Small Beginnings
February 1, 2023, 3:00 AM

Zechariah 4:10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.


Philip was a faithful servant totally devoted to his Calling as an Evangelist. He heard the Voice of God through Angels and the Holy Spirit, and he acted in obedience. Please remember that this Philip is not the same person as the Apostle Philip who was a fisherman called by Jesus in Matthew 10:3.


This Philip started as one of the followers in the First Church. He must have shown something special because he was appointed by the congregation to be one of the first Deacons. He never asked to be appointed to this position but when selected, he willingly stepped into it. Due to his faithfulness, the Lord quickly “promoted” him and called him to be an Evangelist.


As we have been studying for the past several days, God used Philip to bring many people into the Kingdom of God including many Samaritans. Another such person was the Ethiopian eunuch we discussed yesterday. God orchestrated a Divine Appointment between Philip and the Ethiopian and they met on the side of the road. This meeting changed the life of the Ethiopian forever. Tradition and historians tell us that he went home and preached the Gospel in Ethiopia and even the Queen gave her heart to Christ!


As we continue our study through the Book of Acts we will find much more about the Ministry of Philip but the point the Holy Spirit wants to make today is that we all must start somewhere. We do not immediately step into a high position in Ministry.


Like Philip, we all begin as a believer; one of Jesus’ flock. In this position, we will have things to do in the Kingdom. No matter how trivial the task may be, we are to do it to the very best of our ability. And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men. (Colossians 3:23) Every job in the Kingdom is to be done for the Lord Jesus Christ. Although we may take instructions from another person, we are to consider the job (however small) an opportunity to do something for Jesus and do it as best as we can.


Please consider this Passage of Scripture and apply it to your life. Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. (Zechariah 4:10) Read the Parable of the Talents found in the 25th Chapter of Matthew. We should all long to hear Jesus say, Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord. (Matthew 25:21)


The Lord uses His faithful servants to……….turn the tide…… this world.


Here I am Lord. Use me.         Doreen