Stand With Israel
November 25, 2024, 3:00 AM

Genesis 23:3  I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse. 


Several years ago the Lord gave me a dream which caused me to “sound the alarm.” He directed me to Ezekiel 33 where Ezekiel was called to speak to the children and warn them of the sword coming upon their land. I believe the sword is QUICKLY coming!


God promises to bless His People. He also promises to protect His people. He always has and He always will. In America, we have known peace, prosperity and freedom because of the blessings of God. His Hand of Blessing has been upon our land because we have stood strong for His Word and His People, Israel. 


God said, “I change not.”  He doesn’t change His mind or make exceptions to His rules.  He is a just God who does what He says He will do. The United States of America has ALWAYS stood with Israel. Under our current administration, for the first time, we have seen that position begin to slip.


The United Nations has weakened its support of Israel. This is a very dangerous position to take and America MUST stand with Israel. God said I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse. 


It’s time, no it’s PAST TIME, to contact your government officials and DEMAND we stand with Israel. Perhaps, like so many other so-called believers, they have not read the Bible! God said: I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse.


Take the time to remind your elected officials of this fact. It’s very easy to do. Just look them up on line and send them an email. If they claim to be a Christian or a Jew, remind them that they profess to be a believer in the One True God; God Almighty the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Remind them that God promises to curse those who do not stand with Israel. 


We MUST stand with Israel. I know politicians are far more interested in their power, position, and money, but they will not have any power, position, or money if God curses this nation.  


Time is of the essence my friends. Don’t just sit back and expect someone else to do your part. Contact ALL your elected officials TODAY! Quote the Scriptures to them because they probably have not ever read them.


Jews and Christians alike will respect the Book of Genesis. Quote them Genesis 23:3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse. Remind them that God is speaking of Israel. They have been elected to represent the people and we the people, STAND WITH  ISRAEL!


God will…………turnthetide


Standing with Israel!          Doreen