Standing Strong!
July 15, 2022, 3:00 AM

John 10:10 The thief comes but to steal, kill and destroy but I have come that they may have life and it more abundantly.


Peter, John, and the Church prayed for boldness and courage. They did not necessarily pray to be delivered from the persecution which could very well result in their death. Rather, they prayed for Divine Courage and Boldness to continue preaching the Gospel of Christ and to minister healing to the people.


This is what the Body of Christ needs to be praying for today. We have voiced enough prayers for God to deliver us out of this current situation but recently we have heard the Church praying in a far more bold manner here in America.


As a result of our boldness and unwavering faith, God is moving on our behalf. In the last month, we have seen several things happen for the good. The conservative side of the Supreme Court of our land has a strong majority at this time. Many have prayed for them to have the boldness and courage to make decisions in favor of Righteousness and they have done so!


The overturning of the Roe vs. Wade case is a HUGE move in the right direction. Likewise, they decided to overturn the case of Coach Joseph Kennedy vs. the Bremerton School District in Washington State in 2016. In this case Coach, Kennedy was terminated from his job for praying alone on the football field after a game. The decision of the Supreme Court on July 27, 2022, has freed the people to pray on school property.


In these two cases alone, the Supreme Court has sided with God and His Word! Jesus and the Word of God stand for LIFE and encourages PRAYER. Finally, the Supreme Court of the United States of America is standing with God and His Word. This is what our Founding Fathers did when they framed this nation and it was their intention for future generation decision-makers to do the same.


A study of our Founding Documents will prove that while all our Founding Fathers were not saved and born again, they ALL believed that the Holy Bible was both good and true. It was on the Word of God that they set in writing our Founding Documents. There can be no denying that!


America has always stood for freedom. We have been the leader of the FREE WORLD for more than 200 years. We must not lose that distinction. Jesus Christ is the Giver of Freedom. Without Him, there would be no freedom for anyone. All people are in bondage and slaves to sin until they accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.


Jesus is the Giver of Abundant Life. (John 10:10) Abundant Life is freedom and the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. This phrase is found in the United States Declaration of Independence. It is three examples of the unalienable rights which have been given to ALL PEOPLE by God, our Creator, and which government was created to protect. It is the job of our elected and appointed Government Officials to protect our freedom. FINALLY, some are once again standing in strength and courage and doing so.


Let us give God thanks for the boldness of our leaders who believe in Him. Faith in Jesus Christ must once again be lifted up all across this great land. It takes boldness, courage, determination, and strength to do this and all these things come from God.




Boldness in Christ will……….turn the tide


Bold for Christ!         Doreen