February 27, 2022, 3:00 AM

John 14:17 For He shall be with you, and shall be in you.


Jesus spoke many wonderful things to His believers just before His Crucifixion. He knew they were totally dependent upon Him and that soon, He would no longer be there with them. Therefore, they had to be assured of the soon coming Holy Spirit.


In the 14th Chapter of John, we read where Jesus told them about the Holy Spirit but they had a hard time grasping the concept of actually having the Spirit of God dwelling inside them. Many believers have this same difficulty today. People just don’t understand how the Holy Spirit can abide in them and be their overall Helper in every aspect of their lives, but, this is God’s Plan for us.


The first believers in Christ gave up everything to follow Him. They quit their jobs and left their families when Jesus said, “Come, follow Me.” As hard as it must have been, they did it. They surrendered their entire lives to follow Jesus. They learned that when they allowed Jesus to lead them everything turned out good. They saw people healed from leprosy and other life-threatening diseases. They saw people raised from the dead and others completely delivered from demonic spirits that had controlled their lives for years.


What Jesus was trying to tell them prior to His Crucifixion was that when He left to go to the Father, things for them would get even better than they were then. How could that be? They simply could not understand it.


When they traveled with Jesus they were eyewitnesses to many Miracles. They touched Him and listened to Him teach but in order for them to do this, they had to be with Him. They couldn’t stay home with their wife and kids and be with Jesus at the same time. They had to surrender their lives to go with Jesus and stay with Him.


What Jesus was telling them was that after He left, the Holy Spirit would come and be with them always. They wouldn’t have to chase after Him because He would be with them and live inside them. Not just one or two of them. Not just their leader but ALL of them at the same time. This is what they couldn’t understand and sadly, most believers don’t understand it today either.


If you believe the Word of God to be true and if you believe what Jesus said to be the Truth, then you can believe that He wants you to be filled with the Holy Spirit. These are the Words of Jesus: If you love Me, keep My Commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever. The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. (John 14:15-18)


Don’t get me wrong, we do not pray to, or worship, the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is our Savior, Lord, and King. We worship Him. We pray to God the Father in the Name of Jesus because we know that He is sitting at the Right Hand Throne of God making intercession for us.


The Holy Spirit is our Teacher, Guide, Counselor, and Helper. He is the Power Source of God within us to do great and mighty things. He reminds us of the things Jesus said and will lead us through life. God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit make up the Godhead. While separate, they are One. Never discount the Holy Spirit. Surrender your life and let Him take over. You will never regret that decision.


Surrender and God will……….turn the tide…… our life.


I surrender all,         Doreen