Take A Stand
November 22, 2024, 3:00 AM

Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.


We have often discussed the greatness and magnitude of the spiritual world. The Prophet Daniel relates this in the tenth Chapter of his Vision. There are Righteous Angels of God and fallen angels of Satan at war constantly. Daniel’s “prince of the kingdom of Persia” was a powerful satanic angel who fought against him for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the Chief Princes of God came to help him.


Righteous and fallen angels are still fighting for the control of people on earth. It all begins with individuals and grows to families, groups, communities, regions and then entire countries.


All battles are won in the spiritual world before we see the effects in the natural. If we could see the battle going on over our heads in the heavens, I believe people would see things in a whole different light!


What we have witnessed today in America is a perfect example of the demonic enemy take over and control. Over the past several decades we have seen our society change dramatically for the worse. This is due to the demonic influence on individual people.


There are many areas where we have fallen away from God, but the two most extremely prevalent are homosexuality and abortion. Please note that these two are also the most controversial and discussed topics in our land today. Why? Because people know them both to be in direct opposition to God’s Word.


Deep in the heart of people, there is the knowing of right and wrong. This is instilled in every human being by God. We all know it is wrong to murder an unborn child. They also know homosexuality is not God’s Plan for the human race. Both are wrong in the eyes of God and everyone knows it. However, Satan and his demonic, fallen angels have worked hard in the spirit world to convince people otherwise. This is the power of the evil forces. The only weapon against this is the Gospel of Christ and the Word of God.


As a nation, Americans have allowed the demonic to overtake the Righteous. Over the past years, we have become weaker and the enemy stronger. The Body of Christ has sat back and not only watched this happen, but we have been beyond tolerant and allowed it! This is the representation of a lack of strength and power on the part of the Church (the Body of Christ) in this nation.


Many preachers have CHOSEN to be politically correct instead of Biblically correct. The average person sitting in the pews of the churches in America does not know enough about the Word of God to take a stand against teaching when they hear it. Most have been brainwashed and indoctrinated over time into believing these lies themselves.


The Church has sat back and watched as our country crumbled under the power of demons. Year after year it got worse and few have taken a stand for the Truth of the Gospel. If not us…..WHO?


At Betts Ministries in Caney, Oklahoma, we are standing for the Truth of the Gospel of Christ and the Word of God! We are standing STRONG for God! We are also standing WITH and in support of Israel! We welcome you to stand with us!


Don’t kid yourself, my friends, God WILL……...turn the tide


Standing FIRM and STRONG!     Doreen

