The Earth Remains
September 16, 2023, 3:00 AM

Genesis 8:22 While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease.


We are in the midst of a horrendous spiritual battle. This war has been going on since God banished Lucifer (now Satan) from Heaven. Since that time, he has been trying to destroy all that God has made. This includes the earth and everything in it.


Satan is a fierce warrior and one-third of God’s Angels sided with him. These are what we know as the fallen angels and they have wreaked havoc in the world for centuries. However, they will never succeed because no one or nothing can destroy that which God has made.


As powerful as he is, he is nothing compared to the Power of God Almighty. God’s Word tells us this many times and as this spiritual war escalates, we must stand on His Word! You alone are the Lord; You have made Heaven, the Heaven of Heavens, with all their host, the earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them, and You preserve them all. The Host of Heaven worships You. (Nehemiah 9:6) This Scripture assures us that God will preserve all that He has made.


Jesus told us that Satan’s only goal is to kill, steal, and destroy. (John 10:10) Everything that we see happening today to discredit God and His Creation is the work of the Devil. It is the spirit of Antichrist and its game plan is destruction.


Living on earth today are thousands of people who have banded together with Satan in the hope of destroying this earth and all of God’s people. Try as they may, they will not succeed! God will not allow this to happen. The Apostle John wrote Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4)


The Holy Spirit of God is FAR, FAR GREATER than anything Satan has. It is no contest! As born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we have been given the Power of God to crush him under our feet like a little bug!


The same Power of God that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:19-21) Think about that! The Power of the Holy Spirit of God is in YOU! Satan doesn’t stand a chance against the Power of the Holy Spirit of God!


In addition, Satan cannot destroy this earth. He can try but he can’t do it. God will preserve what He has set in place. We can be assured of this. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22) You alone are the Lord; You have made Heaven, the Heaven of Heavens, with all their host, the earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them, and You preserve them all. The Host of Heaven worships You. (Nehemiah 9:6)


Read and study the Word of God. He wrote it for you.


The Word of God will…...….turn the tide……….in this world.


Standing on His Promises.         Doreen