The Greatest Gifts
December 27, 2021, 3:00 AM

2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for His indescribable Gift.


As another year comes to a close and we look forward to what lies in store for us in 2022, let us consider all that the Lord has done in our lives in the year 2021. Are you in the same place today that you were one year ago? Are you worse than you were? Do you feel like you have just been treading water for another year?


Or, have you made significant spiritual progress in the last year. Has God brought you through some storms and planted your feet on higher ground? Has God healed you from sickness and disease? Has He provided for you in ways you cannot explain? Has He protected you from sure disaster when others have fallen?


God is able to do anything for us at any time and He does many things for us that we are not aware of at the time. Sometimes it takes years for us to understand just what God did way back then. These moments of clarity are spectacular because in that moment we realize that God has always loved us and has always been on our side. Even when the people we love turn against us, He is there.


Our assignment in this life is to gain faith in Who God is, What He has done and What He is able to do. It all comes down to our belief and faith in the Finished Work of Christ on the Cross. Without faith in the Cross of Christ, we have nothing.


Jesus went to the Cross so we can have it all. That is, everything God has for us. God wants the very best for His children. That’s us! He wants the best for us, but we cannot even begin to receive all that God has for us without faith in His Son, Jesus.


The greatest Gift to mankind is God’s Gift of His Son, Jesus. Without Him, we are nothing. Without Him, we have nothing. Without Him, we will struggle through this life and die lost. Without Him, we will spend eternity in Hell. Without Him, there is no hope.


However, with Him, everything is available to us. With Him we have Hope for today and expectation of great things to come tomorrow. With Him we have the Holy Spirit of God living inside us. He is the Power of God to do great things. He is the Power to overcome everything that has happened to us in the past. He is our Teacher, Healer, Counselor, Comforter, and Guide through this life.


Jesus is the Greatest Gift to the world. The Holy Spirit is the Greatest Gift to the believer. I pray you have opened both Gifts and know what God has Blessed you with. A gift is nothing but a pretty package until it is opened. It’s what’s inside that makes all the difference.


These Gifts will……….turn the tide…… your life and the lost and dying world.


Praise God for His Gifts, Doreen