The Greatest Sin
December 24, 2023, 3:00 AM

Hebrews 3:18-19 And to whom did He swear that they would not enter His rest, but to those who did not obey? So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.


Jesus said, Come unto Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28) Jesus IS our Sabbath Rest. As born-again believers in Him, we can constantly rest in Him. We do this by abiding in faith in Him and His Finished Work on the Cross of Calvary.


The 3rd and 4th Chapters of the Book of Hebrews speak specifically on the subject of rest and clearly state that our ability to rest in Him is based solely on our belief in Him. Without faith in Jesus, we have nothing of God. The lack of faith is unbelief which is the sin that robs us of everything God has for us. Unbelief is the sin to beat all sins because unbelief is the state of not believing; the lack of faith.


The Book of Hebrews is a letter written to the Jews who have great faith in God but their sin was, and still is, unbelief in Jesus. Jews believe strongly in the Word of God in the Old Testament and they absolutely believe in the Words of the Prophets. They simply do not believe that Jesus was born to a virgin (Mary). They do not believe He lived a sin-free, perfect, life. They do not believe He rose from the dead and is alive today sitting at the Right Hand of the Father in Heaven. They believe in their Messiah to come but they do not believe Jesus is their Messiah. They are still waiting for Him to come.


Today is Christmas Eve. On this day we celebrate and remember that Jesus was born to Mary, a virgin. We celebrate this event because we BELIEVE it happened. It is not a fable or fairytale. It actually happened! We do not know the precise day Jesus was born and it was probably not December 25th, but He was born and it did happen exactly as it is recorded in the Gospels.


The question today is not whether or not Jesus was born in Bethlehem some 2,000 years ago. The question is: Do you believe it? Do you believe the Word of God to be true? Do you believe God sent His Son to die on the Cross of Calvary for your sins?


The question is: What exactly do you believe?


Jesus came to bring Rest and Peace to lost and weary souls. We can know that Rest and Peace IF we believe in Him. If you truly believe this, then you can wholeheartedly place your faith and trust in Him and find rest for your weary soul.


My prayer for you today is that you believe; that you have faith in the fact that Jesus was born of a virgin; that He did live a perfect, sin-free Life; that He was Crucified for the sin of all the world and was buried; that God raised Him from the dead on the Third Day and He is alive today sitting at the Right Hand of the Father in Heaven, making intercession for you.


Do you believe this? I pray you do because it is true and He is soon coming back to Rapture His Church; those who believe and have been born again. Will you be going to meet Him in the air or will you be left behind to suffer the Great Tribulation? The answer to this question is found solely in your faith. What exactly do you believe?


Believe in Jesus today because He is coming back to……...….turn the tide…… this world.


I believe!         Doreen