The Second Beast
August 23, 2024, 3:00 AM

Daniel 7:5 And suddenly another beast, a second, like a bear. It was raised up on one side, and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. And they said thus to it: ‘Arise, devour much flesh!’

The second “beast” in Daniel’s Dream represents the next great Empire to rise up in the Middle East, which would be the Medo-Persian Empire. In the dream, God portrays this Empire as a bear, being very ferocious. The fact that it “raised up on one side” is interesting. In studying this world Empire, we find that the Persians were far more powerful than the Medes which would bear witness to the dream.


The great and mighty bear had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth and would devour much flesh! The three ribs represent the victory over Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt. This Empire was huge in mass and encompassed approximately 40 percent of the entire population at that time.


The Emperor was Cyrus the Great, who ruled the people fairly and believed in the people’s freedom of religion and culture. The people loved him, especially the Jews whom he liberated from Babylonia. Upon the death of Cyrus in battle, his son took over followed by a distant cousin, Darius the Great. Under his leadership, the Empire acquired even more land including what is now Iran, Pakistan, parts of central Asia, and even northern India. It was a HUGE Empire that no one believed could ever fall.


This Empire ruled the world for approximately 200 years. The rulers that followed and came into power had a different mindset. They were not strong; they were weak and greedy; far more interested in themselves than the people. They raised the taxes on the population which led to revolt and economic depression. The leaders began to hoard gold and silver which eventually led to the fall of the once greatest Empire on earth.


Power and greed were the evil spirits that caused the fall of the Medo-Persian Empire. As I study this, I see an amazing parallel to what we are facing in America today. The leaders of our great nation have done the exact same thing over the past seventy years.


Our forefathers had a heart for liberty and freedom for the people. The Word of God was the Standard for the law and order and way of life in our nation. Over the past seventy years, we have watched as this has changed. The Word of God has been discounted and the power and greed of those in leadership are destroying our nation and we are watching it happen right before our eyes.


As born-again believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we must unite together and not allow division among us. We are still the majority in this nation but we are NOT united. The Body of Christ MUST come together and stand.


Jesus gave His life on the Cross to defeat sin in this world. Satan will continue to rear his ugly head but he has no power over us IF we keep our faith in Jesus and His Sacrifice and OPERATE IN THE POWER WE HAVE BEEN GIVEN! This means the Word of God MUST continue to be the ruling document in our homes, schools, communities, states, and nation!


The Bible is the ONLY written document on the face of the earth that tells us what has happened in the history of mankind and what WILL happen in the world to come. Every Word is true. Every Prophesy either HAS happened or WILL happen. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. If the Christians in America would rise up in the power we have, we could take this nation back in a short period of time.


The great Emperor, Cyrus the Great, died in battle fighting for his people. He was willing to go to battle for what he believed. We need leadership like this! Leaders start at home. You are the leader of yourself. You are the leader of your home. You and your fellow leaders can be the leaders of your neighborhood or community if you care enough to lead.


A group of leaders can easily take back a school district if you go to the Board of Directors and demand to be heard. From there we can take back our city government, county, and entire nation, but we must be willing to go to battle!


God ALWAYS rewards those who stand for Him. He always has and He always will. This is a Promise He gave to us. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) “Seek” means to “go after with diligence” not sit back and expect it to fall in your lap.


If we REALLY care about the freedom of our children and our children’s children, we will rise up and lead in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


Then, God will……….turn the tide


On my feet!                 Doreen