The Spirit Of God
March 30, 2024, 3:00 AM

Genesis 1:2 And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.


The Holy Spirit of God is a person without a body. Many people find it difficult to understand who and what the Holy Spirit is but He is actually a Person; the Third Person of the Godhead.


At the beginning of the Word of God we read In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1) This was first written in Hebrew and the word GOD is plural. It was translated as GOD because there is only One God but it is also plural because God (singular) consists of Three Persons (plural). The common term for the Three Persons of the Godhead is the Trinity.


The first individual Person of the Godhead we are introduced to in the Bible is the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:2) The word hovering would suggest that the Holy Spirit was floating over the earth watching as it was created. He watched from above as the Creative Miracles took place one after the other. 


This is what the Holy Spirit does in the life of every person on earth. He hovers over us and watches us even before we are born again. He reveals Himself to us in many different ways. I remember when I was just a little girl, probably about 5 years old. I was outside in my grandmother’s vegetable garden. All of a sudden, I felt the Presence of someone near me. I couldn’t see anyone but He was there. I could feel Him in my midst. He didn’t say anything and I didn’t say anything.


It was my first supernatural encounter with God and I remember it very well. At that time in my life, I was beat up often by my brother so I operated in fear much of the time. But on that morning, I was not afraid. Somehow I knew this was God although I knew nothing about God.


Many times after that I would go out into the garden hoping to feel His Presence again but I never did. I know now that God didn’t want me to believe I could only experience Him in the garden but that He was everywhere and with me all the time. Many years later I came to understand this and believe it.


My point is that the Holy Spirit will reveal Himself to people even before they are saved and born again. He saved my life several times before I was saved. He has caused me to know things that I have no way of knowing. He has guided me through situations that seemed hopeless. He has brought understanding to me about things that were far beyond my ability to comprehend. The Holy Spirit has done so much for me that I could write several books on the subject.


This is the “job” of the Holy Spirit. He is our Helper in every aspect of our lives. We all need His Help. He is there to help you today and every day.


The Holy Spirit will……….turn the tide……….in your life.


Praise God for the Holy Spirit.         Doreen