Inspired by the Hearth during prayer at The Treehouse in Caney, Oklahoma on 8/28/15.
Stone upon stone each a different color, size and shape yet they fit together - held in place with mortar. Strong. Unified. Together they hold the fire. Warm. Potentially lifesaving.
We who meet in this place are like these stones. Each one of us different colors, shapes, and sizes. Some may feel strong like the cornerstones. Some may feel like the small stones placed in various places in the pattern.
You may feel pointless. Small. Insignificant. But without you there is an empty space – a weakness in the design - one likely to cause a collapse to the whole. You are important. You are placed like these small stones in exactly the right place; in exactly the right time when you are walking in God’s plan.
We together are the hearth stones in God’s plan. One stone built upon another, potentially insignificant alone, but necessary and important when unified held together with the mortar of God’s power and love. As Christians, we hold the fire of God. Together. United with God and each other we can be like this hearth – strong, beautiful, offering an eternal life-giving fire to the world.
1st Peter 2:5 You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house[a] to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.