The Temple Of The Holy Spirit
February 28, 2022, 3:00 AM

1 Corinthians 3:16 Do you not know that you are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?


As the group of believers lingered and waited for the Promise of the Father, they remembered the Words of Jesus spoken to them a few days prior. He said, If you love Me, keep My Commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He maya bide with you forever. The Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. (John 14:15-18)


When Jesus went to the Cross, He paid the price for every sin. This Action by Him made the spirit being of every believer clean and Righteous in the eyes of God the Father. Therefore, believers in the Finished Work of Christ on the Cross of Calvary are suitable for the habitation of the Holy Spirit of God.


The Spirit of God cannot inhabit a filthy, sinful temple or dwelling place. Satan rules those temples and controls those people. However, once a person truly understands what Jesus did for them on the Cross, all that sin, shame, guilt, and bondage will fall off them and their temple will be declared clean. At that point, the Holy Spirit has a Righteous Temple to inhabit and He moves in.


Sin is what separated mankind from God in the Garden of Eden and it is still sin that keeps people separated from God today. Sin is the problem. Jesus is the answer; the ONLY answer. No matter how much one works or tries to do good deeds, without Jesus in their heart, they will remain separated from God. Jesus said it! I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me. (John 14:6)


People don’t like to think of themselves as sinners, but they are. They can’t help it. They were born with the sin nature and that nature controls them. This is true with all of us; every person on earth. But, the Blood of Jesus which He shed on the Cross paid the sin debt we all owe to God.


In God’s eyes, there are only two types of people: saved and unsaved. Every person on Earth falls into one category or the other. This is a black and white issue. No one is half-saved or partially lost. Your name is either written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life or it’s not.


If you believe in your heart that Jesus died on the Cross for YOU, your body is pure and spiritually prepared for the habitation of the Holy Spirit. God wants to fill you with His Holy Spirit so you can be led by His Spirit in every aspect of your life. God has so much for you but without Jesus as your Savior, you cannot go any farther. Trust Jesus today. Believe in the Word of God. It is true. Every Promise in the Book is yours.


Faith in Jesus will……….turn the tide


All my hope is in Jesus,         Doreen