Together In Unity
December 22, 2024, 3:00 AM

1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, we have fellowship one with another.


The essence of this Passage of Scripture is for the Christian to “walk in the Light” and that Jesus IS that Light. If we can remain focused on Jesus and the Light made available to us by His Sacrifice on the Cross, we will be able to have fellowship with one another.


The Light of Jesus shines past and through the walls of denominations and into the heart and life of every born again believer regardless of where they choose to attend church each week. We absolutely can have fellowship with one another and come together as One; the Body of Christ. 


Many Americans are offended when a person defines themselves as an Irish American, an African American, an Italian American, or any other nationality followed by American. The fact is, although our heritage may stem from another country, we are all Americans and our allegiance is to this country. 


I read the Bible to say that all believers are Christians. We are not a Presbyterian Christian, a Baptist Christian, a Pentecostal Christian or any other type of Christian. We are all Christians and we must place our allegiance and faith in Christ and His Sacrifice on the Cross. This is where we came to Salvation and became a Christian. 


This faith not only saves a person from eternal death and separation from God, it also is the source of all Blessings from God.  The Bible tells us that the moment we are saved the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us. This is the greatest Blessing of all!


The Holy Spirit brings with Him all the Fruit of the Spirit and the Power of God to defeat the enemy.  All the Power of God is within every born-again believer, but most Christians don’t put that Power to work in their own lives. 


When the Body of Christ comes together unified in Spirit and in Truth and remains continually focused on the Light of Jesus, we can all fellowship together as the one Body of Christ.  The Apostle Paul tells us to “keep our eyes on the Prize” and “run the race to the finish.”  The "Prize" is Jesus and the Message of the Cross. 


When we do this, all the dividing walls of denominations will fall to the ground and the Church will be as One just like Jesus prayed. Divided, we find ourselves arguing and bickering between ourselves over doctrine and little to none is accomplished for the Kingdom of God. 


However, when we stand together we can reach millions for Christ and that is what I read the Word of God telling us to do. The question for today is: Are you willing to stand together with believers of other Christian denominations as  One Church? If every believer could answer that question, “Yes.” the Church would once again rise up across our land and around the world and the Power of God would conquer every enemy!


So, I ask you:  Are you willing to stand together with believers of other Christian denominations as One Church? 


With all eyes on Christ God will……..​turn the tide


Focused on Him,      Doreen