Victory Is Yours
November 21, 2024, 3:00 AM

Colossians 2:15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.


In Roman times, when a great general defeated an enemy, he was honored and celebrated in a way that would resemble a “parade.” All the people would line the main street of Rome. The atmosphere would be like that of an inaugural parade in Washington DC. Everyone was so excited and eager to applaud the victorious general!


Then, the great man of victory would appear riding a beautiful white horse! He would be dressed in full regalia from head to toe. The horse was beautifully manicured from mane to tail. Together they made quite an entrance as the horse would proudly prance down the street as the crowd roared in victory!


Led in chains by the powerful and victorious General would be all the officials of the defeated country. Chained together and walking behind, like slaves to their master! The people on the streets would chant the General’s great name! The excitement was over the top! The noise was deafening!


I have a copy of the Los Angeles Times when WWII ended. The front page is one giant picture of the Victory Parade in the streets of Los Angeles. The crowds of people celebrating the Victory was enormous! I can just imagine how loud it was there that day. The participants held huge pictures of Hitler and the other defeated foes. The headline: WAR ENDS! Victory is ours!


Huge pictures of the defeated leaders were marched through the streets of America with a giant“X” across their faces. Defeated! No longer in power over the free world! None of them were killed but they were defeated, left POWERLESS! ! ! They were made a spectacle of in the streets of America!


With this picture painted, let’s read Colossians 2:15 again. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He (Jesus) made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.


This is exactly what happened when Jesus Sacrificed His Life and shed His Precious, Perfect Blood. At that moment, Satan and all the fallen angels were defeated! They were not eliminated but they were left POWERLESS in the lives of all born-again believers!


It says, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them! Praise God! Please understand, Satan is still operating BUT he has no power over you unless you give it to him.


The war is over! The Victory has been won! It’s time Christians walked in the Victory Jesus won for them. It’s time to hear His Name chanted in the streets EVERYWHERE! ! ! Jesus is the Victor!


I pray you get the picture and understand what Jesus accomplished on the Cross! It is the single most important happening in the history of all of mankind! We are the beneficiary! FREEDOM IS YOURS! Accept it! Walk in it! Satan has no right to attack you in any way. Sin shall not have dominion over you!


On that fateful day, God changed everything! He turned the tide in the whole world. He will do it again! Be ready! Until then, live and operate in the VICTORY that is yours! Speak the Name of Jesus, our Victor! He did it. No one else could defeat the enemy. Let His Mighty Name be lifted up and proclaimed by His People!


God absolutely will……..turn the tide


Walking in Victory, proclaiming the Name of JESUS!           Doreen