What Is Christianity?
August 22, 2023, 3:00 AM

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under Law but under Grace.


Christianity is more than just another religion. It’s also more than a list of things to do and not to do. It’s far more than good advice and guidance for living. So, what is Christianity? Christianity is a lifestyle of Freedom from sin; not only the penalty of sin (which is death) but the power over sin in our lives while we are alive.


Good advice is instructions to someone on how to do something so things will end well. An example would be, if you go to work, you will have money to put a roof over your head and food on the table. This is sound advice and if adhered to, it will end well.


Another example of good advice would be to instruct someone not to steal what they want from the store, but to pay for it. If they don’t take that advice and steal from the store, they will end up in jail and it will not end well.


Good, sound advice is important but why do people not take good advice? Why do they do what they are advised not to do and not do what they know they should do? The answer to this question is sin. The sin nature we are all born with encourages us to do the wrong thing even when we know it’s wrong. This is sin. Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. (James 4:17) 


Christianity is believing that Jesus went to the Cross for all sin of the entire world and that His shed Blood paid the price for sin in all of our lives. Christianity is living a lifestyle of faith in Christ and Him Crucified and this faith gives us POWER over sin.


The Law defines what sin is. Faith in Christ Crucified (Christianity) is Freedom from BOTH the penalty for sin (death) and the power of sin (failure). Sin is, and always has been the problem for humanity. God’s remedy for sin was and is the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. His perfect Blood paid the price required by God for all sin AND it defeated the power of Satan in the lives of everyone who will CHOOSE to believe in Him.


This is WHY Jesus went to the Cross. This is WHAT is available to every person on Earth. This is the Gospel of Christ. This is the lifestyle of Christianity.



Faith in Christ will……..….turn the tide……….in all who believe.


Thank you, thank you, Jesus!         Doreen

