Witchcraft In The Church
December 13, 2023, 3:00 AM

Acts 19:19 Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: And they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.


While Paul was in Ephesus preaching the Gospel, many people who believed in Jesus attended his meetings. They came to hear more and learn more. They already believed, but they still had some areas of their lives that needed to be cleaned up.


After hearing Paul speak, many of them came under strong conviction. And many who believed came, and confessed, and showed their deeds. (Acts 19:18) They wanted to live Righteous lives but were struggling with different issues. This has always been the case and remains the case today.


In Verse 19, we read that some of these believers were involved in witchcraft and practicing magic! What? Believers in Jesus practicing witchcraft? Yes, and it just wasn’t a few. Luke recorded the number as many. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: And they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. (Acts 19:19)


Ephesus was the center of witchcraft at that time so it was common to find people involved in such practices but these people were believers in Christ! They were actually making a living by pretending to talk to the dead, tell fortunes, and cast spells on people. This is no different than Christians today who believe in horoscopes, Tara cards, Zodiac signs, and seances. It is exactly the same thing and millions of so-called Christians are involved in these practices today and use them to guide their daily lives. All this is sin!


Jesus suffered and died to put an end to all this. He has sent the Holy Spirit of God to lead, guide, and direct us. If we believe in the shed Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and live by the Holy Word of God, there is no place for any of this in our lives…….PERIOD!


Luke recorded that when those people heard Paul preach and were convicted by the Power of the Holy Spirit to stop these evil practices, they brought all the paraphernalia to one place and burned it all up! This would be a good thing to do today because many believers still are involved in witchcraft and they wonder why they don’t see God at work in their lives.


The Lord is calling us to live Righteous lives based totally on faith in the Finished Work of Christ on the Cross. Paul wrote For whatever is not of faith, is sin. (Romans 14:23) He is speaking of faith in Christ and Him Crucified. It was on the Cross that Jesus Atoned for ALL sin, past, present, and future.


Jesus called us all to seek Righteousness. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) We cannot say we seek Righteousness and practice witchcraft at the same time. This is not acceptable to God.


I implore you to go through your house and ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to things that should not be there. Look through all your books, music, trinkets, jewelry, keepsakes, games……….everything! Anything that could be considered witchcraft or sinful in any way, get it out of your house and burn it up!



Seek Righteousness. God will…..…….turn the tide……….in your life.


Kingdom minded.         Doreen

