Yes Or No
September 22, 2024, 3:00 AM

Matthew 5:37 Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ be ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.


Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke these words and they are POWERFUL indeed. This is His call for us to make definite decisions and take an absolute stand for the Truth. God’s world is black and white; good or evil; yes or no.


God has blessed the United States of America because, as a nation, we have said “Yes” to Christ and we have said “Yes” to the Jewish people and Israel. There has never been a question until recently. Our forefathers stood for Christ, Christianity, and the Judeo-Christian principles of the Holy Bible. Period!


They did so because they knew it to be the best. Jesus is God’s best. He is pure WHITE; without blemish; no sin; perfect in every way. Jesus is the Word of God in the flesh. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. (John 1:14) The Word of God and Jesus are One and the same. To know Jesus is to know the Word of God. To know and understand the Word of God is to know the Person of Jesus Christ.


Jesus and the Word of God are 100% ABSOLUTE Truth. There are no half-truths or maybes within them. Yes is yes and no is no. Right is right and wrong is wrong. White is white and black is black. Jesus said, Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ be ‘No.’


He followed that statement with these EXTREMELY IMPORTANT WORDS: For whatever is more than these is from the evil one. A thought, word, or action that is not cut and dry, yes or no, is from the devil. That’s what Jesus said.


With that said, this is the question: Who and what is Jesus (who is the Son of God) to you?

Are you with Him, or against Him? Do you speak and lift up His Name, or not? Do you trust Him, or not? Do you believe every Word to be True, or not? Do you believe every principle set forth in the Bible to be right and worth living, or not?


Let your yes be yes and your no be no. Which is it? Christ or anti-christ? It CANNOT be both. You cannot be pro-Christ on Sunday and anti-christ on Monday. You cannot be pro-Christ at church and anti-christ at work. You cannot be pro-Christ at home and anti-christ in the polling booth. You are either for Him or against Him.


God, and everything about Him (the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and the entire Word of God) is ABSOLUTE TRUTH. It must be at the core of who we are. It doesn’t mean we will not fail at times; we will. But, at the core of our very being, we know what is right and wrong; good and evil. To stand for Christ is to stand for what is right in His Word.


Lord God, in the Name of Jesus, we ask you to reveal to us those areas of our lives where we have failed to make our yes be yes and our no be no. Show us the gray areas. Reveal to us where we have not stood strong on the Truth of your Word. Show us where we have buckled under pressure and backed off of any Truth of Your Word.


We understand that these actions on our part are the work of the enemy in our lives and we rebuke the spirit of deception, rebellion and confusion in Your Name. We command them to leave us at this moment! We release the Righteous Spirit of Truth and Obedience to rule and reign in our lives so that we may have complete clarity about every aspect of our lives. We pray that our yes will be yes, and our no will be no, as indicated by Your Word.


We rebuke any spirit of anti-chirst from our lives. Any thought, word, or action, not in absolute line with Christ and the principles of the Word of God, be GONE! We loose the Spirit of Christ and Faith to be the ruling and motivating force throughout every fiber of our being. From the top of our head to the soles of our feet let us live and breathe to serve You and bring forth Your ABSOLUTE TRUTH, letting our yes be yes, and our no be no.


We thank you Lord for answering our prayer and bringing about the necessary changes in our lives. We pray in the ONLY Name worthy of our praise, Jesus Christ. Amen.


The ABSOLUTE TRUTH will……..turn the tide


Absolutely!                Doreen