Your Teammate
October 23, 2021, 12:00 AM

Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


Yesterday we added GUIDANCE to our list of Benefits for the born again believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. As stated, this Benefit is one that most people don’t really want until they are in trouble. God wants to direct our path every step of the way. He wants us to seek His Guidance and Direction about everything but as I said, most people want to control their own lives and seek after the things they want. This is indeed a pity because God absolutely knows what’s best for us.


The focal Verse of Scripture for today is Ephesians 2:10 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. God created each of us. He has a Plan and Purpose for our lives. He knows us inside and out because He formed us long before we took a breath on this earth. (Psalm 139)


I suppose this is the crux of my life testimony. As the years go by, this becomes more and more evident to me. For the first 52 years of my life I worked hard at making things happen. Due to the way I was raised as a child, I became very independent and strong willed at a young age. I never sought the Guidance of God because I knew what I wanted and I was taught to work hard to get it.


My husband, Jack, planned our lives and like the good wife that I was, I worked right along side of him. Together we worked and we worked hard to make our plans and dreams come true. We were a great team and accomplished a lot. We were honest and ethical in all our dealings and business. We didn’t cheat people or intentionally do things wrong. We went to church and lived by God’s standards set forth in His Word BUT we didn’t seek Divine Guidance. There is a big difference between living a good, moral Christian lifestyle and seeking the daily Guidance of God.


In 2003 our plans and dreams we had worked so hard for were beginning to come true. We bought a cattle ranch in Oklahoma where we intended to retire. This was our plan and we had worked very hard for twenty years to make it a reality. Just when we thought it was going to happen the way we planned, I found out that God had another plan.


Only July 23, 2003, Jack was tragically killed while working his cows. My life long teammate was gone. What was I going to do now? This is what it took for me to listen to God instead of Jack. Within two weeks of Jacks death, God spoke these Words to me: “I have something for you to do that does not include Jack. I have been preparing you for this your whole life. Trust Me and follow My lead.”

With those Words I knew I had a new teammate and as good a teammate as Jack was, God would prove to be a million times better! Since that time, God has done great things in me, with me and through me. I have learned to seek Him, listen to Him and obey Him. I understand that I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.


I have come to trust Him implicitly because I know He will never leave me nor forsake me. He will never change His mind, get mad, lose His patience or argue. He is always faithful and true. For I am the Lord, I do not change; (Malachi 3:6)


I never sought after another husband on this earth because one morning while feeling lonely, I opened my Bible, looked down and this single Verse of Scripture stood out in large, bold letters: For your Maker is your husband, (Isaiah 54:5) There is a song that says: He is my everything, my all in all. He is my everything both great and small. He gave His Life for me. Made everything new. He is my everything. How about you?


My friends, God is good. He has a Plan for your life. Seek Him and His Plan. He wants to guide your every step. He wants to be your teammate; your everything. All you have to do is let Him.


When you do, He will……….turn the tide…… your life.


He is my everything.         Doreen